Monday, 21 October 2013

Collections and Algorithms

The Collections API has been with us since JDK 1.2, but not all parts of it have received equal attention or love from the developer community. Algorithms, a more functional-centric way of interacting with collections,
have been a part of the Collections API since its initial release, but they often get little attention, despite their usefulness. For example, the Collections class sports a dozen or so methods all designed to take a collection as a parameter and perform some operation against the collection or its contents. Consider, for example, the Person class

public class Person {
public Person(String fn, String ln, int a) {
this.firstName = fn; this.lastName = ln; this.age = a;
public String getFirstName() { return firstName; }
public String getLastName() { return lastName; }
public int getAge() { return age; }

which in turn is used by a List that holds a dozen or so Person objects. Now, assuming we want to examine or sort this list by last name and then by age, a naive approach is to write a for loop (in other words, implement the sort by hand each time we need to sort). The problem with this, of course, is that this violates DRY (the Don’t Repeat Yourself principle) and, worse, we have to reimplement it each time, because for loops are not reusable. The Collections API has a better approach: the Collections class sports a sort method that will sort the contents of the List. However, using this requires the Person class to implement the Comparable method (which is called a natural ordering, and defines a default ordering for all Person types) or you have to pass in a Comparator instance to define how Person objects should be sorted. So, if we want to sort first by last name and then by age (in the event the last names are the same . But that’s a lot of work to do something as simple as sort by last name and then by age. This is exactly where the new closures feature will be of help, making it easier to write the Comparator .The Comparator is a prime example of the need for lambdas in the language: it’s one of the dozens of places where a one-off anonymous method is useful. (Bear in mind, this is probably the easiest—and  weakest—benefit of lambdas. We’re essentially trading one syntax for another, admittedly terser, syntax, but even if you put this article down and walk away right now, a significant amount of code will be saved just from that terseness.) If this particular comparison is something that we use over time, we can always capture the lambda as a Comparator instance, because that is the signature of the method—in this case, "int compare(Person, Person)"—that the lambda fits, and store it on the Person class directly, making the implementation of the lambda and its use
even more readable . Storing a Comparator<Person> instance on the Person class is a bit odd, though. It would make more sense to define a method that does the comparison, and use that instead of a Comparator instance. Fortunately, Java will allow any method to be used that satisfies the same signature as the method on Comparator, so it’s equally possible to write the BY_LAST_ AND_AGE Comparator as a standard instance or static method on Person and use it instead . Thus, even without any changes to the Collections API, lambdas are already helpful and useful. Again, if you walk away from this article right here, things are

pretty good. But they’re about to get a lot better.

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